- S. Brandenburg, KVI: "Status and future requirements of KVI"
- H. Koivisto, JYFL: "MIDAS-NA: status, milestones and deliverables"
- T. Kalvas, JYFL: "Status of website" (no slides were shown)
- K. Tinschert, GSI: "Progress of hands-on-training, feedback and possible improvements"
- K. Tinschert, GSI: "ECR ion source - upgrade strategy"
- K. Tinschert, F. Maimone, GSI: "ECR ion sources - ECRIS@GSI, experiences, tips & tricks and more"
- C. Barué, GANIL: "Intense metallic beam production - Is the 1+/n+ the way? Part I"
- L. Manoury, GANIL: "Intense metallic beam production - Is the 1+/n+ the way? Part II"
- T. Thuillier, J. Angot, LPSC: "Charge breeder"
- R. Kremers, KVI: "Status report ion sources at KVI-CART"
- R. Racz, ATOMKI: "Plasma diagnostics with cameras and probes"
- D. Cortazar, UCLM: "Preliminary results on time resolved H+, H2+ and H3+ ion energy distribution functions measurements in a 2.45 GHz hydrogen plasma"
- H. Koivisto, JYFL: "Main R&D activities at JYFL during the last year"
- T. Kalvas, JYFL: "Status of the new JYFL 18 GHz ECRIS"
- P. Salou, Pantechnik: (no slides were shown, see minutes)
- P. Jardin, GANIL: "New ECRIS for ENSAR2 facilites"
- T. Kalvas, JYFL: "Ion beam quality vs. different ECRIS generations"