M. Sakildien, O. Tarvainen, R. Kronholm, I. Izotov, V. Skalyga, T. Kalvas, H. Koivisto,Experimental evidence on microwave induced electron losses from ECRIS plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 25(6), (2018), p. 062502.
T. Kalvas, H. Koivisto, O. Tarvainen, Status of new 18 GHz ECRIS HIISI, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Souces: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 040006.
M. Sakildien, O. Tarvainen, R. Kronholm, T. Kalvas, P. Jones and H. Koivisto, Studying the double-frequency heating mode in ECRIS plasma using Kadiagnostics, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Sources: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 040011.
O. Tarvainen, J. Angot, I. Izotov, V. Skalyga, H. Koivisto, T. Thuillier, T. Kalvas, V. Toivanen, R. Kronholm, T. Lamy, The effect of plasma instabilities on the background impurities in charge breeder ECRIS, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Sources: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 070006.
V. Skalyga, I. Izotov, D. Mansfeld, O. Tarvainen, T. Kalvas, J. Laulainen, R. Kronholm, J. Komppula and H. Koivisto, Microwave emission fromn ECR plasnma under conditions of two-frequency heating induced kinetic instabilities, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Sources: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 020015.
R. Kronholm, M. Sakildien, D. Neben, H. Koivisto, T. Kalvas, O. Tarvainen, J. Laulainen and P. Jones, The effect of microwave power on the Ar9+and Ar13+optical emission intensities and ion beam currents in ECRIS, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Sources: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 040014.
J. Laulainen, T. Kalvas, H. Koivisto, R. Kronholm and O. Tarvainen, Photoelectron emission induced by low temperature hydrogen plasma, Proc. of the 17thIntern. Conf. on Ion Sources: AIP Conference publications, 2011, (2018), p. 020001.
Rácz R., Mascali D., Biri S., Caliri C., Castro G., Galata A., Gammino S., Neri L., Pálinkás J., Romano F. P., Torrisi G.: Electron cyclotron resonance ion source plasma characterization by energy dispersive x-ray imaging. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26 (2017) 5011.