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Minutes of ERIBS 2023 meeting (JYFL, FL244)
Participants: H. Koivisto (JYFL), V. Toivanen (JYFL), R. Racz (ATOMKI), B. Gall (IPHC), M. Filliger (IPHC), F. Lemagnen (GANIL), M. Dubois (GANIL), A. Pidatella (LNS), S. Gallo (LNL), R. Kremers (Partrec), F. Maimone (GSI), L. Celona (LNS, zoom), O. Leonardi (LNS, zoom)
The objective of the presentions was to follow the work plan and schedule for tasks 1 and 2. This means that each presented the relevant ERIBS work – not the general R&D of each ion source team.
Wednesday (11.10.2023)
Subtask 2.1:
OES spectroscopy (Fabio):
Feasibility study: short description about the facility. Very nice monitoring for the oven behavior and Ca emission peaks.
Feasibility study for gases.
Balance in the case of overlapping peaks can be found (current calibration vs emission)
Warning system for emission line intensity (when intensity exceeds the preset limits)
No change in B-field during Ca run to avoid recirculation of material.
Long Ca-run: after about two weeks new oven will start to be used (conditioned in the test bench)
Feasibility with gases: may not give enough additional value with gases when high price and increased complexity are considered. In the case of oven operation the diagnostics gives information about the oven temperature. However, this is not working in the case of high temperature operation because the heat radiation overlaps the emission peaks.
Beam current transformer (Fabio):
Feasibility study will be done by the end of October 2023.
Bergoz instrument is could be a good option (if the price is not a factor): 5 µA resolution about 50 k€, 1 µA resolution about 100 k€
GSI design: pulsed mode resolution of the order some hundreds nA (resolution 0.2 µA).
Good option for high-intensity beams
Note: No changes to original work plan.
Subtask 2.2:
X-ray monitoring (Richard)
Plasma monitoring system goal: cheap and effective
Richard presented very comprehensive work list showing sub-steps and results already achieved
Parameter map for the feedback. This is something which may be needed for the monitoring system and feedback for the operator. However, this includes some challenges.
Presentation of waveguide approach (to measure the behavior of the reflected RF power (correlation with instabilities)
Presentation of x-ray (scintillator) approach
Discussion about instability thresholds and gas mixing
RF emission using RF probe (Angelo)
Description of experimental system
Schedule for the subtask R&D
Can be used in simple mode (RF probe) and wide information mode (RF probe + spectrum analyzer)
Introduction to scintillating fibers – this is very interesting possibility
Coupling of oven emission to plasma
Conclusion: scintillating fibers are very promising option for x-ray monitoring
Note: no changes to original work plan!
Subtask 2.3:
Algorithm work (Rob)
Rob presented the RF system for AECR-U
Standard deviation increases with the beam intensity
The sensitivity of plasma depends on the heating frequency
Discussion about repetition rate vs instability vs not instability
Thresholds for: intensity, instabilities, …anything else (needs to be defined)?
Note: Rob prepares the updated plan and schedule
Subtask 1.1.
Ovens (Benoit/Hannu/Mickael)
Developing and optimizing the electronics for the induction oven.
Work to define the geometrical distribution of evaporated material (from the oven)
Mickael (material emission work/studies at GANIL)
Tests of 20 mm oven at GANIL during first quarter of 2024.
Grenoble oven (25 mm) tests by the end of 2023
Note: we need heat consideration in the case of the JYFL ECRIS.
Safety consideration of each source
Alessio: let’s have a comparison between the simulations and experimental work (for sputtering)
GANIL contribution (Mickael)
HTO oven tests with UO2. About 5 µA of U31+ beam. Three times (at least) more than with sputtering.
Based on the experience: oven gives more intensity, sputtering more stable beam
Cancellation of Jyväskylä team visit -> delay in technology transfer. New schedule: May 2024.
Subtask 1.2.
Sputtering (Alessio)
Delay in ON axis sputtering project for several incidences at LNL (water/vacuum leaks)
Presentation of simulation tool to guide the experimental sputter work
Status of OFF axis sputtering – discussion.
Requirements set by PANDORA: Lu and Nb beams by MIVOC
MIVOC project status at LNL was presented.
Subtask 1.3
MIVOC (Benoit)
Some delay in project due to the change of chemist (for retirement)
Discussion about the category 1 compound (safety issues)
New chemist has trained with ferrocene synthesis – good yield. Next step – full synthesis.
Discussion about the wish list and priorities
Thursday (11.10.2023)
Discussion continues:
Updated schedule
Benoit presented updated schedule for the IPHC subtasks
JYFL-GANIL oven collaboration was just shifted to be started in May 2024.
Discussion about the ERIBS website: the present service, offered by Atlassian, will end in February 2024. How to guarantee the continuation of the present website and continue the work for the database and other relevant information therein.
It was proposed to consider indico. Other options to consider: Confluence, MS Office 365, may be other software?
Any other solutions offered by the collaboration?
What are the requirements of the platform? Exportability?, Forum?, Wiki?, Price?, Priviliges?, Tools?
Critical systems (for operations)
Discussion about different options to improve reliability of the facilities
Best option would be that critical components/devices has a duplication
Discussion about purchasing small components when company like to sell only huge amounts (too much for small laboratories). Is it possible to arrange joint orders? This possibility should be studied/discussed further.
Discussion about RF devices: presently the delivery time for critical components is 10 months or more, response timecan be months. Should we standardize klystrons so we have a pool of spare units?
Suggestion: we should have a forum for problem solving.
Let’s try to find a forum to realize this.
Page for good tricks (like beam database)
Indico might be a solution for this as well: let’s have a look
Rob has good experience about Share Point
Database about critical devices
Discussion about long-term agreements with vendors (for example pumps, power supplies) to avoid large variety of technology/devices.
Benoit gave a short “lecture” about MIVOC (how to implement the MIVOC method). You may use STREM to buy MIVOC compound. Start MIVOC with ferroscene, as this is the easiest beam. Problems could be conductance, conductance calcultion is important. Avoid bottle necks, small diameters, etc, in the MIVOC feeding line.
Next ERIBS annual meeting (2024): Fabio proposed that it could be organized after the ECRWS, i.e. on 19-20 september 2024
After some discussion we agreed that GSI will be the next host for the ERIBS annual meeting.
Discussion about the hosts for -25 and -26 meetings. Potential candidates are GANIL and ATOMKI/INFN. Will be decided/confirmed later.