14 GHz ECRIS, MIVOC method
Iron beams were produced on JYFL 14 GHz ECRIS using MIVOC method with commercially available compound (CH3)5C5natTi(CH3)3
Note: Afore-mentioned compound is air and light sensitive
Mixing gas: N/A
Microwave power: N/A
Acceleration voltage: 10 kV (JYFL extraction system)
Material consumption: N/A
8+ | 33 |
9+ | 43 |
10+ | 44 |
11+ | 45 |
12+ | 36 |
13+ | 14.3 |
For more information see:
H. Koivisto, J. Ärje, R. Seppälä, and M. Nurmia, Production of Titanium Ion Beams at an ECR ion source, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res., B187, (2002), p. 111.
J. Rubert, J. Piot, Z. Asfari, B.JP. Gall, J. Ärje, O. Dorvaux, P.T. Greenlees, H. Koivisto, A. Ouadi, R. Seppäla, First intense isotopic titanium-50 beam using MIVOC method, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 276 (2012), p. 33.