Annual MIDAS meeting will be organised by UCLM team in Toledo, Spain, 23-24th May, 2018.
The meeting will take place in the Campus Fabrica de Armas of UCLM in Toledo. The name of the meeting building is Sabatini. The location of the venue can be seen using link: Meeting venue.
The program of the meeting can be seen here.
Presentations from the meeting
- H. Koivisto, JYFL, "Status of MIDAS-NA"
- K. Tingelt, GSI, "GSI report"
- P. Jardin, GANIL, "Existing and future techniques for the production of some specific metallic beams"
- T. Thuillier, LPSC, "LPSC report"
- H. R. Kremers, KVI-CART, "Status report of the AECR ion source at KVI-CART"
- S. Biri, Atomki, "Plasma diagnostics at the Atomki-ECRIS: latest results"
- C. Barue, GANIL, "Beam stability and feeback of hands-on training"
- A. Megia, UCLM, "UCLM report"
- H. Koivisto, JYFL, "JYFL report: plasma diagnostics and HIISI "
- D. Mascali, LNS, "Recent developements about plasma diagnostics and modelling for Ion Sources design, Astrophysics and Nuclear Astrophysics at INFN "
- A. Garbayo, AVS, "AVS report"
- P. Salou, Pantechnik, "Pantechnik report"