Title: | Hands-on-training | |
Owner: | Former user | |
Creator: | Former user | Sept 06, 2016 |
Last Changed by: | Ana Megia | Mar 12, 2019 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://jyufi-fys.atlassian.net/wiki/x/t4BF | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
Incoming Links
Children (8)
Training workshop on ECR charge breeder techniques
Training workshop on iron beam production with ECR4 Ion source using oven technique
Training workshop on low temperature plasma diagnostics
Training workshop on low-energy beam transport design and emittance measurements
Training workshop on measurements of ECR plasma parameters by Langmuir-probe
Training workshop on microwave-based techniques to improve the performances of the ECRISs
Training workshop on MIVOC method and highly charged plasma diagnostics
Training workshop on Nickel beam production with the CAPRICE ECRIS using the GSI standard oven
Training workshop on ECR charge breeder techniques
Training workshop on iron beam production with ECR4 Ion source using oven technique
Training workshop on low temperature plasma diagnostics
Training workshop on low-energy beam transport design and emittance measurements
Training workshop on measurements of ECR plasma parameters by Langmuir-probe
Training workshop on microwave-based techniques to improve the performances of the ECRISs
Training workshop on MIVOC method and highly charged plasma diagnostics
Training workshop on Nickel beam production with the CAPRICE ECRIS using the GSI standard oven
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Outgoing Links